Lifer Abilities

LiferAbilities, our Real Life Kids special needs ministry, exists to share the love of Christ by assisting individuals and families needing special accommodations to become full participants and contributors in the body of Christ. With support available for children and families, we are committed to providing a safe and comfortable environment that allows all members access to worship, ministry, and fellowship with one another.

Real Life Special Needs Ministry (Ages 4 - 12)

Our goal is to integrate children into an age-appropriate Real Life Kids class with the right level of assistance.
9:15 AM
During the 9:15am Service, we use our LiferAbilities room as a Sensory Room and have trained leaders available to help children who this resource might help.
11 AM
If the need is identified, we do have a LiferAbilities classroom during the 11am service and are happy to discuss this option with families interested as space allows.

Teen Accommodations (Ages 12+)

Students meet together Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights at designated times. We do our best to partner with families to accommodate and integrate children with special needs into our normal activities with the right level of assistance. As God adds passionate and qualified leaders to our team, we can expand this effort together.

Interested in Volunteering?

If you are interested in serving with us and helping us grow this ministry, you may click the button below and our Children’s Pastor will reach out to you!

Interested in Trainings?

To find out more about the trainings we offer to our leaders and families, click here!