Lifer kids

Love God, Love Each Other

We’re dedicated to partnering with parents to lead children to become disciples of Jesus Christ (Matthew 4:19). Through age-specific lessons, activities, and small groups, children ages Birth - 5th grade learn biblical truths and real-life lessons they can apply to their lives.

Is your family new to Real Life Texas?

You can pre-register your children to make first Check-In easy! By filling out this form, you will also receive our Children’s Pastor contact. We look forward to meeting you!

Sunday Mornings

Wednesday Evenings

9:15 AM and 11 AM
LiferKids classes are available for Birth through 5th grade every Sunday morning during both services.

Doors Open at 6:15 PM, Starts at 6:30 PM
Kids will learn Spiritual Disciplines related to the story from Sunday Morning to go deeper in their faith. For kids in 1st through 5th grade.


Birth - Kindergarten

We believe in building a solid foundation for kids from the youngest age possible. Leaders will intentionally weave Biblical truths, Bible stories, songs, and other gospel-centered activities into the normal rhythm of their time spent with the preschoolers. This will enable our babies and early childhood aged kids to experience the gospel in a clean and safe environment while being rocked or fed, participating in playtime, or engaging in other fun activities. We love our little lifers!


1st - 5th Grade

Elementary children will learn the story of the Bible through a 3-year chronological plan. Each story taught includes a visual timeline of the Bible, a map of Israel, and a fun activity to bring the story to life. Small groups are led by intentional leaders who will build relationships with kids, discuss the Bible story, and pray with the kids. Our Kids Small Groups align with our Adult Small Groups format to include a Biblical Foundation, Relational Environment, and Reproducible Process. Every session will point kids to the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the source of heart transformation and the foundation of spiritual growth. Kids will learn that the Bible is one big story about Jesus, while experiencing the Gospel through the love of their leaders. We are intentional to create a safe, fun, and engaging environment where your kids thrive!

Interested in Volunteering?

If you are interested in volunteering in Kids Ministry, fill out the simple form below to get started. Our Children’s Pastor will reach out to you to discuss opportunities and next steps!