First Fruits IS for ALL OF US

When we set apart our First Fruits, we all have the opportunity to join God where he is working.

We are prepared with available resources to minister to our local community, to meet needs and impact lives across our nation, and to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide.

As we watch and see what God is doing around us, he illuminates opportunities for us to live out the Gospel by loving others.

Our Heart is This...

We follow biblical principles for giving. We will trust Jesus with all we have – our time, our talents, and our finances. We long to see people come to Christ and his kingdom advance.

Understanding the Biblical Principle of First Fruits

  • A gift of First Fruits to God says that we trust he will provide for the rest of the year, we believe that he is our provider.
  • This offering is separate from the tithe. There is no set amount, it is specific to our income and encompasses all of our resources.
  • The purpose of the offering is to take care of the work of the Lord. The offering must be taken to God's house.
  • By giving our First Fruits, we trust that the rest of what we have is holy, or "set apart" by God under his blessing.

Pray Over Bringing our First Fruits

Ask the Lord how he wants you to give your First Fruits. Ask him what you can give that will honor him and fulfill the First Fruits principles. Pray through and consider options, such as:
  • Selling something of value
  • Going without something and giving the amount you would normally spend on that item
  • Making a sacrificial change in your lifestyle to align your finances with God's priorities for your life
Pray that resources we bring in from this offering will impact our community for Jesus Christ.
  • Deuteronomy 26:1–11
  • Proverbs 3:9–10
  • Leviticus 23:10–17
  • Nehemiah 10


• for our CHURCH
     more space and more ministry opportunities

• for our COMMUNITY
     meeting people's physical and emotional needs

• for our CAUSE
     making disciples and planting churches


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you
and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."   - Jeremiah 29:11

FAQ  -  Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a “First Fruits” Offering?

A: The first fruits offering began in the Old Testament. It comes from the word Bikkurim which was an offering to God from the first fruits that were taken from the harvest. These were often stored or set aside as provision for those in need or if famine arose. It was to honor God for what he had provided and to be prepared for opportunities to take care of needs that arise.

Q: Why do we take a “First Fruits” offering at Real Life Ministries Texas?

A: We believe in following biblical principles and we believe that God calls us to give back to Him. So, each year we take an offering that is biblical and helps us set aside an offering to be prepared for work that God would call us to. We want to honor God and be ready to act when he opens opportunity to do ministry we might not have planned for.

Q: Are “First Fruits” offerings in place of the tithe?

A: No. The tithe is our regular weekly (or monthly) offering given as we follow the biblical command to give 10% of our income to the Lord. First Fruits is a special offering This is a specific offering taken once a year that is over and above the tithe.

Q: When do we take the “First Fruits” offering?

A: Much like they did in biblical times, we take the offering at the end of September. Typically, our First Fruits are received the last Sunday of September.

Q: What have we done with the “First Fruits” offering in the past?

A: We have used First Fruits offerings for a wide variety of ministry opportunities. We give back those in need in our community by helping feed hungry children or helping the uninsured get medical care. We also have used it to support our yearly budget, fund new staff positions as the need arises, and to support mission partners and church plants here in the USA and abroad.

Q: How can I give to “First Fruits”?

A: Although many of us will give on the last Sunday of September as a celebration Sunday, we will open the fund for First Fruits 23 on September 1st and close it on October 31st. Beginning in September, First Fruits envelopes will be available at church and can be used to give cash or checks. You can text the amount to 84321. You can give online at Or you can mail a check to Real Life Texas at 1400 Graham Dr, Ste B259, Tomball, TX 77375.

Q: Does the amount that I give to “First Fruits” matter?

A: The amount you give is between you and God. The offering you give can have great impact on what we are able to do as God opens doors. We believe the amount matters if it matters to you and is an expression of trust and gratefulness to God. This is an opportunity to worship God through our giving.